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Industrial Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Industrial Wastewater solutions

Industrial Waste Water Treatement Solutions


Industries around the world have increased their focus on the long-term, sustainable management of one of our most precious resources, water. Water is used across the globe in a wide range of industrial applications, e.g. industrial wastewater solutions; to aide the production process and improve final products. Used in rinsing and spraying, washing, coating and plating, as well as being central in both cooling and heating processes, water is a critical component in maintaining operations.

However, its use in industrial processes, such as industrial wastewater treatment systems, comes at a cost, with the natural resource subject to contamination by innumerable sources.

The contemporary requirement is to optimise water circuits, reducing consumption and reusing wherever possible. Ultimately though, as the water is released back into the ecosystem as they would in wastewater management, regulatory requirements generally dictate high levels of discharged water quality to reduce environmental impacts. Even with many building infrastructures that follow proper industrial wastewater treatment solutions, often there is not the capacity to remove heavy pollutants, a result of industrial processes.

Minetek's advanced water evaporation systems can be deployed as both a short and long-term solution to effectively managing water by-product quality with the ability to treat acidic, saline and caustic water in all industrial settings.

water evaporation systems

Technical Enquiry


Sales Enquiry


After investigating a raft of different methods from sprinkler systems through to desalination systems (too costly for little benefit) we decided on the MINETEK WATER units. The evaporators were easy to install and once activated ran trouble free. We were very happy with the service from MINETEK and the reliability of the system.

OCE Glencore Collinsville Superintendent

We have utilised MINETEK for a number of sound attenuation projects in the Hunter Valley and have formed an excellent relationship with Glencore over many years. MINETEK understand our industry and always provide a solid and professional commitment to meeting our goals and objectives."

Glencore International AG Global HME Category Manager

We found the MINETEK WATER team listened and supported our situation with helpful guidance and advice to layout the evaporator pipework maximising their efficiency. I would highly recommend the units to others needing a cost effective solution to excess water.”

Osborne Gold Mine Superintendent Environment

MINETEK provide a quality, proven solutions and are established as leading sound attenuation specialists.

Glencore International AG Global HME Category Manager

I have used these evaporators very successfully at mine sites where I have worked in the past. They are an extremely reliable unit and worked above expectations in the environment where we had them set up. As for spray drift/mist this can be controlled by the weather monitoring systems that are available with the units. Additionally, how you set them up and the amount of fall you can achieve allows for more moisture to be stripped from the droplets]will greatly benefit your overall evaporation rates.

Rolleston Coal Operations Manager
Resource Centre​

