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Nevada Gold Mines


Fleet of Land Based Evaporators


Brine is formed in the mining process when brackish groundwater comes into contact with either surface water or sea water. The result is a highly saline by-product which cannot be released back into the environment due to high levels of contaminants and Total Dissolvable Solids (TDS).

Often present in Oil & Gas, Mining, Power Generation and as a specific by-product of the Reverse Osmosis process, brine water presents a significant and costly challenge to industrial operators. With an extremely high salt content, brine water has the potential harmfully impact surrounding environments and must be processed to evaporate contaminants.

With the capacity to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Minetek's water evaporators can process water with high levels of Total Dissolvable Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and pH range as low as 1.8 and as high as 14.

Minetek's saline water evaporation solutions offer versatility and a cost-effective solution to achieving brine water disposal without the need for pre-treatment.

water evaporators

Technical Enquiry


Sales Enquiry


Kipoi have successfully utilized MINETEK WATER evaporators on our process water pond to remove mine water and has contributed to help with our water balance. We are currently in the process of moving these units to where the catchment area is larger giving us better utilization of the evaporators.

Tiger Resources Process Superintendent

It was completed with no incidents or injuries, with no delays, and ahead of schedule. The plan was for 10 shifts, and it was completed in 7 shifts.

Northern Goldfields Mining Manager

We are always looking at new innovations and technologies that will benefit both us and our clients. Minetek has been able to display that with the use of their modern ventilation technology, where we can look to see production increases through faster re-entry times and reduced capital costs in the total life of the development, delivering value to both us and Mincor.

Pit N Portal CEO

I have used these evaporators very successfully at mine sites where I have worked in the past. They are an extremely reliable unit and worked above expectations in the environment where we had them set up. As for spray drift/mist this can be controlled by the weather monitoring systems that are available with the units. Additionally, how you set them up and the amount of fall you can achieve allows for more moisture to be stripped from the droplets]will greatly benefit your overall evaporation rates.

Rolleston Coal Operations Manager

We found the MINETEK WATER team listened and supported our situation with helpful guidance and advice to layout the evaporator pipework maximising their efficiency. I would highly recommend the units to others needing a cost effective solution to excess water.”

Osborne Gold Mine Superintendent Environment
Resource Centre​

