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  • Water Treatment Alternative

Water Treatment Alternative

Minetek provides an efficient and cost-effective alternative to industrial water treatment, with significant CAPEX & OPEX savings.

Evaporation vs water treatment

Minetek’s evaporation technology offers numerous advantages over traditional industrial water treatment methods, including significant OPEX savings, estimated at approximately $1.80 per cubic meter evaporated. Unlike mine water treatment, evaporation produces no waste stream, eliminating the need for disposal or further treatment of by-products. Additionally, there’s no requirement for chemical pre-treatment, reducing operational complexity and costs. With fast deployment in just 6-8 weeks and minimal maintenance needs, Minetek’s evaporation technology provides an efficient, cost-effective and hassle-free solution for mine water treatment.

وفورات في التكاليف

Significantly reduce operational costs by minimising the need for off-site disposal and industrial water treatment costs.


المسؤولية البيئية

قلل من تأثيرك البيئي عن طريق التخلص من الحاجة إلى الطرق التقليدية للتخلص من النفايات السائلة وتقليل مخاطر تخزين المياه الزائدة.

حل متنقل وقابل للتطوير

يمكن أن تتكيف أنظمتنا مع الاحتياجات المتطورة لعمليات النفط والغاز لديك، مما يضمن بقائها فعالة أثناء نموك.

الامتثال التنظيمي

تساعدك Minetek على التنقل وتجاوز اللوائح البيئية الصارمة، مما يضمن بقاء أنشطتك متوافقة.

Hybrid water treatment solution

Minetek’s evaporation technology offers a versatile hybrid water treatment solution, adaptable as either a standalone system or in tandem with traditional water treatment facilities. Often, water treatment plants generate a residual waste stream unsuitable for direct discharge into the environment. Our units boast the capability to process diverse water compositions, handling solids with diameters up to 4.0mm and wastewater with pH levels ranging from 1.8 to 14+. This innovative approach transforms the waste stream into valuable sludge and slurry, facilitating additional resource recovery opportunities.