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  • Oil Sands Tailings Dams

Oil Sands Tailings Dams

Minetek provides an efficient and cost-effective solution to managing tailing water from oil sands enabling operators to access recoverable resources and efficiently manage the by-product of mining processes.

Managing tailings water from oil sand operations

In oil sand operations, effective management of tailings water is paramount for both operational efficiency and environmental compliance. Minetek’s expertise in mine water management extends seamlessly to the unique challenges posed by tailings water from oil sand operations. Our advanced evaporation solutions are specifically designed to efficiently remove excess water and maintain the quality of stored pit lake water. With a proven track record in handling challenging mining conditions, Minetek offers cost-effective evaporation technologies that enable operators to effectively manage tailings water while meeting stringent environmental standards.

Économies de coûts

Réduisez considérablement les coûts opérationnels en minimisant le besoin d’élimination hors site et les coûts de traitement de l’eau.


Responsabilité environnementale

Minimisez votre impact environnemental en éliminant le besoin de méthodes traditionnelles d’élimination des déchets liquides et en réduisant le risque de stockage excessif d’eau.

Solution mobile et évolutive

Nos systèmes peuvent s'adapter aux besoins changeants de vos opérations pétrolières et gazières, garantissant qu'ils restent efficaces à mesure que vous grandissez.

Conformité réglementaire

Minetek vous aide à naviguer et à dépasser les réglementations environnementales strictes, garantissant ainsi que vos activités restent conformes.

Système de déshydratation de fosse autonome ou hybride

Minetek’s Water Evaporators deliver an efficient, cost-effective and sustainable water management solution for oil sands operations. With the ability to process varying water qualities, including solids up to 4.0mm in diameter and waste water with a pH level ranging from 1.8 to 14+. Two 600/300 Minetek Evaporators can quickly evaporate an Olympic-sized pool in just 24 hours (depending on the climate) significantly reducing the water levels in the site’s tailings storage facilities.