资源中心/ News

Industry news & insights

How Minetek’s Water Solutions Help Combat the Challenges of Acid Mine Drainage
In metal mines, valuable ores like gold, silver, and copper are often found within sulphide minerals. When these sulphides are exposed to air and... 
The Importance of Progressive Rehabilitation in Australian Mining
The Importance of Progressive Rehabilitation in Australian Mining In recent years, the Australian mining industry has made notable progress in meeting social and environmental... 
How Minetek Safely & Efficiently Manages All Mine Water Qualities
Despite recent advancements in mining practices, serious environmental risks persist, particularly concerning water pollution. Certain mining activities significantly harm water quality. One primary issue... 
مساهمة شركة Minetek في الإدارة المستدامة للمياه في البلديات السعودية
沙特阿拉伯王国 (KSA) 面积约 225 万平方公里,是世界上最干旱的地区之一。 
西德克萨斯州是历史上的石油和采矿业中心,提供了数千个就业岗位,占该地区就业人数的 16%。然而,... 
利用 Minetek Water 的先进解决方案延长矿山寿命
采矿作业以其资源密集型性质和挑战而闻名,经常面临因资源枯竭而关闭的风险。 Minetek Water 提供独特的解决方案来延长... 
Advancing Municipal Wastewater Management in the Middle East
Wastewater treatment is critically important in the Middle East due to the region’s limited freshwater resources and rapidly growing population. The issues of water...