Water management solutions for liquid waste
Landfill and waste management are critical components of environmental sustainability and public health. This sector involves waste management practices that emphasise reducing waste generation, promoting recycling and composting, and safely disposing of non-recyclable materials in landfills designed to prevent contamination of soil and water.
Minetek’s advanced evaporation technology offers innovative solutions for various wastewater management challenges within the landfill and waste management services sector. For landfill water management, our systems efficiently handle excess water, preventing overflow and minimising environmental risks.
Minetek 帮助您驾驭并超越严格的环境法规,确保您的活动保持合规。
Advanced solutions for sustainable waste management
In leachate water management, Minetek’s technology effectively reduces the volume of leachate, mitigating potential contamination and simplifying treatment processes. For process water disposal, our evaporation systems provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to manage and reduce water used in industrial processes. Additionally, Minetek’s evaporation technology is highly effective for saline and saltwater disposal, ensuring safe and sustainable elimination of saline effluents, protecting surrounding ecosystems.
Advanced technologies and innovative strategies are continually being developed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management services, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and recover valuable resources from waste streams. Effective landfill and waste management, supported by Minetek’s cutting-edge solutions, are essential for maintaining clean, healthy communities and protecting natural ecosystems for future generations.

Minetek 致力于通过创新彻底改变行业标准,确保环境可持续性、运营效率、法规遵从性和卓越的客户满意度。
Minetek 提供世界上最高效的定制设计水蒸发技术,旨在降低管理过量水的风险并确保合规。
Minetek 提供创新的模块化空气管理解决方案,事实证明,这些解决方案可以提高生产力并降低运营成本。这些解决方案使用户能够在需要的时间和地点控制空气的输送。
Since 1984, Minetek has been the original mining noise management specialist. Our sound attenuation packages enable the world’s quietest mining equipment and machinery, reducing noise levels by up to 50%. We've helped mining operations across the globe to increase availability and capacity; operating longer hours and closer to boundaries, all while meeting regulatory and community noise expectations.
在 Minetek,我们了解工业和采矿作业面临的独特挑战。凭借我们丰富的经验和专业知识,我们提供涵盖您电气和控制需求各个方面的集成解决方案。
Engineering Capabilities
Minetek combines innovation with expertise to deliver world-class engineering solutions for waste management industries. With a specialised in-house team of acoustic, mechanical, electrical and environmental engineers on hand delivering advanced capabilities that challenge the status quo, disrupting conventional thinking.