  • Leachate Water Management

Leachate Water Management

Minetek provides an efficient and cost-effective solution to managing leachate water. Our evaporation technology plays a crucial role in leachate water management, efficiently reducing its volume and concentrating the contaminants for easier disposal.

Managing leachate water

Minetek’s advanced evaporation technology accelerates the evaporation of water from leachate, significantly reducing its volume. As the water evaporates, the contaminants within the leachate become more concentrated. This results in a smaller volume of highly concentrated sludge or slurry, which can be more easily handled, treated, or disposed of. Minetek’s evaporation solutions help landfill operators meet regulatory standards and prevent environmental contamination, ensuring long-term sustainability and compliance.

Cost savings

Significantly reduce operational costs by minimising the need for off-site disposal and leachate water treatment costs.


Environmental responsibility

Minimise your environmental impact by eliminating the need for traditional liquid waste disposal methods and reducing the risk of excess water storage.

Mobile & scalable solution

Our systems can adapt to the evolving needs of your oil & gas operations, ensuring they remain effective as you grow.

Regulatory compliance

Minetek helps you navigate and exceed stringent environmental regulations, ensuring your activities remain compliant.

Evaporation technology

Minetek’s evaporators can handle varying qualities of leachate, including those with high total dissolved solids (TDS) and total suspended solids (TSS) and a rnge of pH water levels. This allows leachate water levels to be significantly reduced, resulting in a highly concentrated sludge or slurry for easy disposal. Our technology offers leachate water treatment that helps to mitigate environmental risks, and maintain regulatory compliance.

Landfill Waste Management Case Study

Minetek provided a dewatering solution for this waste management and disposal centre, which had a large leachate dam that needed to be filled in for complete site rehabilitation. Over 60 million litres needed to be removed as soon as possible, with an allowance period of 12–18 months for the project. Minetek supplied a Land Based Water Evaporator system and with an evaporation efficiency of 52%, our unit removed 280,800 litres of water from the site per 12-hour-day, achieving the client’s dewatering goal in just 9 months.