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Landfill and waste management

Landfill and waste management minimises environmental impact and health risks by recycling, safe disposal, and advanced technologies, ensuring clean communities and protecting ecosystems.

Water management solutions for liquid waste

Landfill and waste management are critical components of environmental sustainability and public health. This sector involves waste management practices that emphasise reducing waste generation, promoting recycling and composting, and safely disposing of non-recyclable materials in landfills designed to prevent contamination of soil and water.

Minetek’s advanced evaporation technology offers innovative solutions for various wastewater management challenges within the landfill and waste management services sector. For landfill water management, our systems efficiently handle excess water, preventing overflow and minimising environmental risks.

Penghematan Biaya

Mengurangi biaya operasional secara signifikan dengan meminimalkan kebutuhan pembuangan di luar lokasi dan biaya pengolahan air.

Tanggung Jawab Lingkungan

Minimalkan dampak lingkungan Anda dengan menghilangkan kebutuhan akan metode pembuangan limbah cair tradisional dan mengurangi risiko penyimpanan air berlebih.

Solusi Seluler & Skalabel

Sistem kami dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan kebutuhan operasi minyak & gas Anda, memastikan sistem tersebut tetap efektif seiring pertumbuhan Anda.

Kepatuhan terhadap Peraturan

Minetek membantu Anda menavigasi dan melampaui peraturan lingkungan yang ketat, memastikan aktivitas Anda tetap patuh.

Advanced solutions for sustainable waste management

In leachate water management, Minetek’s technology effectively reduces the volume of leachate, mitigating potential contamination and simplifying treatment processes. For process water disposal, our evaporation systems provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to manage and reduce water used in industrial processes. Additionally, Minetek’s evaporation technology is highly effective for saline and saltwater disposal, ensuring safe and sustainable elimination of saline effluents, protecting surrounding ecosystems.

Advanced technologies and innovative strategies are continually being developed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management services, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and recover valuable resources from waste streams. Effective landfill and waste management, supported by Minetek’s cutting-edge solutions, are essential for maintaining clean, healthy communities and protecting natural ecosystems for future generations.

Teknologi penguapan air

Minetek provides the largest and most cost-effective wastewater management solution globally. Our patented system evaporates wastewater efficiently, cost-effectively, and sustainably. Designed for versatility, our units can process varying water qualities with a broad range of PH levels and solids diameters. Our mobile solutions have proven effective in diverse industrial environments, empowering operators to prioritise production and profitability.

Landfill water management

Minetek’s evaporation technology efficiently handles excess landfill water, preventing overflow and minimising environmental risks, ensuring safe and sustainable waste management practices.

Leachate water management

Minetek’s advanced systems reduce leachate volume, mitigating contamination risks and simplifying treatment processes, enhancing environmental protection.

Process water disposal

Minetek provides cost-effective and environmentally friendly evaporation solutions for managing and reducing industrial process water, and optimising resource use.

Saline / salt water disposal

Minetek’s technology ensures safe and sustainable disposal of saline and saltwater, protecting ecosystems and promoting environmental sustainability.

Solusi air dipercaya oleh...

Tujuan perusahaan

Minetek berupaya merevolusi standar industri melalui inovasi, memastikan kelestarian lingkungan, efisiensi operasional, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan, dan kepuasan klien yang luar biasa.

Solusi pengelolaan air

Minetek menawarkan teknologi penguapan air yang dirancang khusus dan paling efisien di dunia, yang dirancang untuk mengurangi risiko pengelolaan kelebihan air dan memastikan kepatuhan.

Ventilasi bawah tanah yang inovatif

Minetek menghadirkan solusi pengelolaan udara modular yang inovatif yang terbukti meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengurangi biaya pengoperasian. Solusi ini memungkinkan pengguna mengontrol pengiriman udara kapan dan di mana diperlukan.

Teknologi pengurangan kebisingan

Since 1984, Minetek has been the original mining noise management specialist. Our sound attenuation packages enable the world’s quietest mining equipment and machinery, reducing noise levels by up to 50%. We've helped mining operations across the globe to increase availability and capacity; operating longer hours and closer to boundaries, all while meeting regulatory and community noise expectations.

Solusi tenaga yang direkayasa

Di Minetek, kami memahami tantangan unik yang dihadapi operasi industri dan pertambangan. Dengan pengalaman dan keahlian kami yang luas, kami menawarkan solusi terintegrasi yang mencakup setiap aspek kebutuhan kelistrikan dan kontrol Anda.

Engineering Capabilities

Minetek combines innovation with expertise to deliver world-class engineering solutions for waste management industries. With a specialised in-house team of acoustic, mechanical, electrical and environmental engineers on hand delivering advanced capabilities that challenge the status quo, disrupting conventional thinking.