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Open-pit mining operations

Open-cut mines extract minerals from the earth by removing surface layers. This mining method offers high production rates and efficient resource recovery, essential for large-scale mineral extraction projects in an open pit mine.

Cutting-edge solutions for open pit mining operations.

Minetek delivers cutting-edge solutions for open pit mining operations, ensuring operational efficiency, environmental sustainability, compliance and profitability.

Our advanced water evaporation technology is the world’s largest, offering rapid deployment and cost-effective performance in any climate. Our sound attenuation solutions have proven to reduce machine noise by up to 50%, enhancing site safety and compliance. Additionally, Minetek’s customised electrical solutions integrate seamlessly with mining operations, providing reliable power and boosting operational efficiency. Together, these innovations drive unparalleled productivity and sustainability in open pit mining.

Pengelolaan Air

Solusi pengelolaan air fleksibel yang dirancang untuk menguapkan air limbah secara efisien, hemat biaya, dan berkelanjutan.

Mining machine noise reduction

Teknologi pengurangan suara dirancang untuk mencapai kepatuhan tanpa mengorbankan kinerja mesin pertambangan, aliran udara, atau aksesibilitas pemeliharaan.

Mining electrical solutions

Solusi daya yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan lokasi untuk setiap aspek kebutuhan kelistrikan dan kontrol Anda.

Water evaporation technology.

Minetek provides the largest and most cost-effective water management solution globally. Our patented system evaporates wastewater efficiently, cost-effectively, and sustainably. Designed for versatility, our units can process varying water qualities with pH levels from 1.8 to 14+ and solids up to 4.0mm in diameter.

Solusi seluler kami telah terbukti efektif di beragam lingkungan industri, memberdayakan operator untuk memprioritaskan produksi dan profitabilitas, dan solusi pengelolaan air paling hemat biaya secara global. Sistem kami yang telah dipatenkan menguapkan air limbah secara efisien, hemat biaya, dan berkelanjutan. Dirancang untuk keserbagunaan, unit kami dapat memproses berbagai kualitas air dengan berbagai tingkat pH.

Pengurangan kebisingan solutions.

Minetek enables the world’s quietest mining equipment and machinery, reducing accumulated noise levels by up to 50%. Allowing open pit mining operations to reduce potentially harmful safety impacts on operators while meeting regulatory noise expectations and preventing machinery from overheating.

Solusi fleksibel kami melemahkan aset bergerak dan tetap dengan solusi suara rekayasa yang dirancang dengan komponen minimal tanpa mengorbankan integritas alat berat, aliran udara & kemampuan akses pemeliharaan.

Direkayasa listrik solutions.

Minetek telah memberikan solusi rekayasa kelistrikan khusus kepada para pemimpin industri selama lebih dari 40 tahun. Dengan komitmen yang tak tertandingi terhadap kualitas dan layanan pelanggan, solusi kelistrikan Minetek mendukung pengoperasian yang aman dan andal dengan beragam tambahan starter motor, papan distribusi, ruang saklar, dan gardu induk.

Advanced Solutions for Mining Operations

Explore our innovative technologies and tailored services designed to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and compliance across diverse open pit mine applications.

Noise Control

Sound attenuation of mobile mining machinery can reduce noise by up to 50% without compromising performance, integrity, airflow & maintenance access ability.

Tailings dam water management

Minetek’s evaporation technology is used to manage tailings water levels, with the ability to process a vast range of water qualities, evaporating wastewater efficiently, cost-effectively, and sustainably.

Customised electrical for open pit mines

Dari berbagai macam pendukung starter motor hingga kemampuan distribusi, ruang sakelar, dan gardu induk yang lengkap, kami menyediakan solusi yang dirancang khusus.

Interested in talking to one of our professionals?

Minetek combines innovation with expertise to deliver world-class solutions specifically for the mining industry. Our specialised in-house team of acoustic, mechanical, electrical and environmental engineers, advanced water management, sound reduction, underground ventilation and power solutions that challenge the status quo, disrupting conventional thinking within the open pit mining industry.