Emergency Response Mining:
In mining operations, the risk of environmental disasters due to water management challenges is ever-present. An emergency water management plan is essential to future proof for extreme weather events mitigating risks by having a quick response plan in place.
Minetek’s advanced evaporation technology provides a reliable solution for emergency water management, helping to reduce risks and prevent environmental disasters. By swiftly removing excess water and maintaining the quality of stored water bodies, such as pit lakes, our solutions ensure operational efficiency while meeting regulatory standards. With our proven track record in challenging conditions, Minetek offers cost-effective water evaporation solutions that enable operators to mitigate risks and safeguard their operations against potential emergencies.
Penghematan biaya
Mengurangi biaya operasional secara signifikan dengan meminimalkan kebutuhan pembuangan di luar lokasi dan biaya pengolahan air.
Minimalkan dampak lingkungan Anda dengan menghilangkan kebutuhan akan metode pembuangan limbah cair tradisional dan mengurangi risiko penyimpanan air berlebih.
Solusi seluler & terukur
Sistem kami dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan kebutuhan operasi minyak & gas Anda, memastikan sistem tersebut tetap efektif seiring pertumbuhan Anda.
Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan
Minetek membantu Anda menavigasi dan melampaui peraturan lingkungan yang ketat, memastikan aktivitas Anda tetap patuh.
Standalone or hybrid water management solution
Minetek’s evaporation technology is a cost-effective standalone or hybrid emergency water management solution. Two 600/300 Minetek Evaporators can quickly evaporate an Olympic-sized pool in just 24 hours (depending on the climate) significantly reducing risks and water levels. Futureproof your emergency response mining plan with Minetek’s water evaporators.
Cautionary tales
Ensure your site has an effective emergency management plan in place to prevent environmental disasters like the Williamson Diamond Mine, Brumadinho Dam or Jagersfontein catastrophes.
In 2019 the Brumadinho tailings dam failed, releasing millions of tons of toxic waste, resulting in the loss of 272 human lives. This company was forced to pay $7 billion in compensation to cover both the socio-economic and socio-environmental impacts.