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Water | Water management solutions for the oil and gas industry​

  • Agua
  • Petróleo y gas

Minetek Mechanical Evaporation Systems work by pumping a high volume of water at high pressure through specially configured nozzles. The nozzles atomize the water into tiny droplets, and these atomized water droplets are forced up into the atmosphere to evaporate. During this process, a percentage of the water will evaporate, and a percentage will fall back into the water source. Any solids, salts, heavy metals or contaminants that are contained within the water will typically not evaporate; they will fall out along with the non-evaporated droplets.

Minetek’s innovative technology has revolutionised the way industries deal with their wastewater. With over 500+ systems installed worldwide, Minetek Water is the industry leader in sustainable wastewater management solutions.


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