Caterpillar Machine Noise Reduction.
Minetek understands the repercussions that noise can have on a site’s production capabilities. Our sound suppression solutions are engineered utilising state-of-the-art processes and rigorous quality checks to effectively reduce machine noise levels. Designed with precision, each element of our Caterpillar OEM sound package is tailored to the specific model, ensuring optimal performance in accordance with acoustic frequencies. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and simulation programming, we can precisely target and neutralise specific frequencies, including balancing and noise-cancelling, for superior noise reduction. Our sound attenuation solutions help mine sites operate efficiently with Caterpillar machinery without exceeding or breaching regulatory noise levels and restrictions.
Maintains OEM airflow
Ensures consistent airflow as per OEM specifications, optimising machine performance and longevity.
No machine overheating
Prevents machine overheating, safeguarding equipment integrity and ensuring continuous operation without risk of damage.
Easy accessibility for maintenance
Facilitates easy access for maintenance tasks, reducing downtime and streamlining upkeep processes for enhanced operational efficiency.
Caterpillar Haul Trucks
Minetek understands the repercussions that noise can have on a site’s production capabilities. Our sound suppression solutions are engineered utilising state-of-the-art processes and rigorous quality checks to effectively reduce machine noise levels. Designed with precision, each element of our Caterpillar OEM sound package is tailored to the specific model, ensuring optimal performance in accordance with acoustic frequencies. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and simulation programming, we can precisely target and neutralise specific frequencies, including balancing and noise-cancelling, for superior noise reduction. Our sound attenuation solutions help mine sites operate efficiently with Caterpillar machinery without exceeding or breaching regulatory noise levels and restrictions.
Caterpillar Dozers
Caterpillar Mining Haul Trucks are specially built for comfort and performance. With Minetek’s sound attenuation kits installed, these haulers can move enormous quantities of material day and night whilst staying 100% compliant with site noise level restrictions.
Caterpillar Excavators
Caterpillar Excavators are pivotal in a mine operation, used to load ore onto haul trucks for processing. However, with multiple trucks operating simultaneously, their accumulated noise levels can cause challenges and hinder operating hours. Reduce the noise output on Caterpillar excavators by up to 50% with Minetek’s sound attenuation solutions and extend your site’s operating hours.
Caterpillar blasthole drill rigs
Caterpillar’s drill rigs are commonly used in mining sites for the placement of explosives, enabling mines to extract minerals from the surface. These machines are reliable, accurate and powerful, helping operations run both smoothly and productively, especially with Minetek sound suppression installed.
Caterpillar Loaders
Caterpillar’s Wheel Loaders combine the benefits of digging forces with large-quantity buckets for surface mining applications. With the ability to travel at high speeds whilst transporting a high capacity of material, these machines can add significant value to a mining operation, especially with Minetek sound suppression installed.
Caterpillar Water Trucks
Water trucks are crucial to mining operations by helping with dust suppression and even fire control. These machines are a necessity on most mining sites because of the various safety and health risks that respirable dust particles pose. Ensure your water trucks remain compliant with site noise level requirements by installing Minetek’s sound attenuation technology.