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Water | Viper Coal Mine case study

  • ماء
  • دراسة الحالة
  • أمريكا الشمالية

Viper Mine’s tailings storage facility is at capacity reaching the end of its useful life after 39 years, and Knight Hawk Coal commissioned Minetek to assist with the dewatering and reclamation of this storage facility.

The entire 270-acre storage facility requires dewatering before reclamation can begin, with around 140 million
gallons of water to be removed.

The goal for Knight Hawk Coal’s Viper Mine is to be a zero-discharge facility ensuring environmental compliance.

احصل على نسختك المجانية

تعرف على كيفية حرصنا على إبقاء المناجم متحركة لمدة تزيد عن 40 عامًا.