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Air | Secondary mine vent fan design

  • هواء
  • التعدين
  • مروحة ثانوية من سلسلة رابتور

The problems of underground ventilation are often multifaceted and complex. These problems can include the legislated requirements of adequate air volume to the working face, the minimisation of excavation required to fit the secondary fan, and the power requirements ofvarious operational phases. This solution has, in the past, not been satisfied with just one system.

The new system introduced by Minetek overcomes all these competing requirements in one simple unit, while also improving on durability without a loss of performance when wear occurs on the impeller.

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تعرف على كيفية حرصنا على إبقاء المناجم متحركة لمدة تزيد عن 40 عامًا.